
What is scoliosis?

Incorrect posture and scoliosis are common pathologies among major orthopedic problems with modern child. This disease occurs without symptoms and pain, and its progress falls on age of puberty.
Scoliosis is characterized by the curvature of the spine in lateral plane with vertebrae rotation around its vertical axis and as a result cosmetic defects (“distortion” of the body of the child, the asymmetry of the chest) together with functional disorders of the heart and lungs occur.
Not all parents can timely notice negative changes in skeletal development of their child, so often scoliosis is detected only when the disease became severe, capable of progression. At this stage problems with scoliosis can’t be solved by conservative treatment. Necessity in surgery occurs .
In order not to bring the situation to such radical treatment like surgery, there is only one way out – prevention and early detection of scoliosis. So, we have to make regular medical examination of children.

Signs of scoliosis that should alert parents

The term “scoliosis” comes from the Greek “scoliosis”, which means “distortion.” A major manifestation of the disease is the asymmetry breaking child’s body.

Signs of asymmetry:
– One shoulder girdle is higher than another;
– Clavicles are not on the same line;
– Nipples are not on the same line;
– One scoop of chest is over another;
– One buttock is above another;
– Asymmetrical position of a head (tilt sideways).

Prevention of scoliosis

In order to prevent scoliosis and other orthopedic violation, from childhood you should teach children to stay physically active and that is the basis of the child’s health. Quite effective way to make it – show it on your own example, because children copy the behavior of their parents and relatives.
Only adequate motor activity will contribute to the rational and comprehensive child’s development and his/her personality. Do not put intellectual development of children above the physical, as they are closely interrelated.

“To make a child smart and sensible, make it strong and healthy, let him work, act, run, scream, stay constantly moving.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Proper sitting at a desk
Taking into account that fact, that scoliosis often develops in children of school age, the correct position while sitting at a desk is quite important. Most of the time child spends on education: lessons at school and when doing homework. This means that he/she sits motionless for a long period of time. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of scoliosis, child must sit at workplace properly:

– both feet must be on the floor;
– back kept straight, leaning back on his/her chair;
– shouldn’t not rely with chest on a desk;
– Place elbows on a desk;
– Daylight should fall on the left, if child is right-handed, on the right – if child is left-handed.

Sometimes, during prolonged sitting it is necessary to change position of feet – stretch them, give opportunity to rest for a bit. Therefore, under the table there should be more space. The height of the table should be at the level of arm, bent at elbow. The chair should be firm, its height should match the leg length of a child. Occasionally, child has to change place in class, sit in different rows.