Sensory Integration Programs

Sensory Development Program

The child is surrounded by various types of nature with all its sensory qualities: colors, smells, sounds, and so forth. And, of course, every child, even without a single-minded upbringing, will perceive all of this in one way or another. However, if a child has an impediment of movement, sight, hearing, or any other developmental abnormalities, it simply needs the help of a specialist who will direct it. The cause of a lot of abnormalities in a child’s development is insufficient integration of sensations which provide us with information about touch, body position, and movement.
A child with sensory integration disorders cannot effectively and fluently adapt to the environment and fully appreciate its surroundings. Therefore, it needs a specific, specially arranged environment – a sensory room.
The sensory integration method facilitates the relaxed work of all mutually connected sensory systems: sight, touch, motion, smell, hearing, taste, and balance. Sensory integration activities are a powerful stimulus for the further development of a child and have direct influence on the formation of motor habits. The sensory development program can be conducted as a separate course or as part of a complex of various physical therapy programs.

Duration of program: 6-12 days.
Duration of one session: 1 hour.

Aim of the program: Provision of the necessary number of sensory (vestibular, motor, and tactile) stimuli aimed at facilitating the relaxed work of the central nervous system.

Indications: Cerebral palsy, cessation of psychomotor development, genetic disorders (e.g. Down’s syndrome), autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, other psychophysical disorders.

Observations and consultations of: neurologist, pediatrician, physical therapist.